
Ross Cagan, Ph.D.


Regius Professor of Precision Medicine

Royal Society Wolfson Fellow

Head, School of Cancer Sciences Strategy & Partnerships

Academic Lead, UKRI SiPF Living Laboratory

The inaugural Regius Professor of Precision Medicine, Ross has worked with a broad palette of experts as a pioneer in bringing new technologies into clinical use, including anti-cancer drugs and an experimental clinical trial.

Chiara Braconi, portrait of woman with glasses

Chiara Braconi, M.D.,Ph.D.


Consultant Medical Oncologist

Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre

Institute of Cancer Sciences

A physician scientist, Chiara is a rising star in the use of human ‘organoids’ to model a variety of tumours, providing a powerful tool for studying tumours in a dish.

Jim Norman,Ph.D.


Deputy Director

CRUK Scotland Institute

A leading explorer in tumour cell biology, Jim has made fundamental contributions to how tumours interact with our bodies, and how each influences the other to impact progression and response to treatments.

Harshit Shah, Ph.D.

Senior Scientific Officer

CRUK Beatson Institute

A rising star in the development of human-based cell culture, Harshit brings a fresh approach to disease modeling. Further, he provides key leadership to ensure the various McNab projects work together to create a new generation of cancer therapeutics.


Lindsey Arnott

PhD Candidate

CRUK Scotland Institute

Lindsey is a PhD candidate supported by CRUK and the McNab Institute.  She is developing an in vitro model of the lung pre-metastatic niche from KRAS driven tumours using a co-culture system of organoids and precision cut lung slices..

Björk Aston

PhD candidate

University of Glasgow

Björk is a PhD candidate supported by the Scottish Cancer Foundation and the McNab. Using her deep industry experience, she is exploring the impact of the tumour immunology microenvironment and its impact on drug response.

Hammed Badmos

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Glasgow

Hammed is a postdoctoral researcher and geneticist who is exploring the use of chemputer/chemical biology technology to create next-generation lead therapeutic compounds. He is a recipient of the CSO ECR fellowship and Tenovus Scotland grant award.

Twitter/X handle: @HammedBadmos

Kristine Laws

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Glasgow

Kristine is an accomplished chemist specialising in bio-inorganic chemistry and automation. Using her diverse background, she is now exploring how certain pathways and regulatory processes lead to the development of a variety of diseases and ageing.

Tom Moens

Postdoctoral fellow

University of Glasgow

Tom is a postdoctoral fellow with a deep knowledge of Drosophila genetics, neuroscience, and aging. He brings these approaches and novel ways of thinking to the problem of RAS-driven disease including cancer, including using innovative approaches to exploring the signals used by transformed cells as they metastasize through the body.

Lucy Somerville

PhD Candidate

University of Glasgow

Lucy is a PhD candidate supported by CRUK and the McNab Institute.  She is interested in optimising a novel iPSC-derived in vitro liver spheroid model, which can be used to explore how the liver niche is primed for onset of primary biliary cancers.

McNab Fellows

Our collaborators include…