Inspired by Scotland’s past, helping build its future

Landscape image of the University of Glasgow, with an ornate church featuring a seafoam green roof

Scotland has a long and proud history of innovation in the field of medicine; from pioneering surgical anaesthesia in the 1800s to the discovery of penicillin in 1928. We at the McNab are inspired by this history. We are innovators, taking risks and developing new technologies to push the field forward. Our goal: improve outcomes for cancer patients everywhere.

Supporting the needs of the Scottish community

Scotland has important challenges to realise its potential in the 21st century. We have the lowest life expectancy in Western Europe, in part due to diseases like KRAS-driven cancers. These worrying statistics are linked to a plethora of factors, including Scotland’s industrial past. The McNab is focused on cancers that are especially problematic in our community, as well as helping Glasgow’s amazing teachers nurture the next generation of STEM scientists.

Building a new economy

Today, Scotland is at the forefront of health innovation. Glasgow’s strong oncology vision is organised within the internationally renowned Cancer Research UK (CRUK), Beatson Institute, and Institute of Cancer Sciences (ICS) within the University of Glasgow. The McNab Centre is helping to build a new future of health innovation, an important pathway to a strong economic future. In this way, we embrace our obligations to the Scottish community.