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Half of us will get cancer in our lifetime

Cancer remains one of mankind’s most difficult challenges: one in four of us will die of it. This impacts our families and our communities; we are all touched by cancer. As a result of advances in science, overall survival rates for cancer patients have improved in recent years. Despite progress, some types continue to evade treatment.

At the McNab, we take on cancer’s toughest problems. Our first goal is perhaps the single greatest need in the field: better treatments for metastatic cancers such as colorectal and pancreatic. These have proven difficult, so we are developing truly new approaches as highlighted in our website. To accomplish our goals, we are building on a generous donation from Annie McNab, a native of Paisley/Glasgow whose generosity has inspired us to take risks in the service of our community.

Learn more about Annie McNab’s donation to the Beatson Institute.

black mouse silhouette with white fruit fly silhouette inside

Cancer Models

Black silhouette of a man with purple spots showing spreading tumors


White and dark purple pill

Drug Development